On this week’s 51%, we hear about the leading ladies of spaceflight and a reporter examines the psychological impacts of climate change.
When we think of spaceflight our minds may drum up the names Alan Shepard or John Glenn. Rarely are women like Jackie Cochran or Jerrie Cobb spotlighted. In her new book, “Fighting For Space: Two Pilots and Their Historic Battle For Female Spaceflight,” author and historian Amy Teitel introduces readers to two women trailblazers, a generation apart, and their fight for women in space. Teitel spoke with 51%’s Elizabeth Hill.
“Fighting For Space: Two Pilots and Their Historic Battle For Female Spaceflight,” is published by Grand Central Publishing.
Every year, The Carey Institute for Global Good in rural Albany County hosts journalists and documentarians from around the globe through its Logan Nonfiction Program. Its latest residencies wrapped just as the coronavirus pandemic took hold. Fellows were researching subjects ranging from the U.S. prison system to World War II. 51%’s Jesse King stopped by the campus in Rensselaerville, New York to speak with reporter Rachel Riederer.
To hear Jesse King’s piece from the Carey Institute for Global Good’s Logan Nonfiction Program about a film focusing on women outside the U.S. prison system but connected to those within, visit 51% show #1606.
That’s our show for this week. Thanks to Tina Renick for production assistance. Our executive producer is Dr. Alan Chartock. Our theme music is Glow in the Dark by Kevin Bartlett. This show is a national production of Northeast Public Radio. If you’d like to hear this show again, sign up for our podcast, or visit the 51% archives on our web site at wamc.org. And follow us on Twitter @51PercentRadio