The Best Of Our Knowledge
The Best Of Our Knowledge
#1557: Skills 21 & Teacher Hiring In A Recession | The Best Of Our Knowledge

Skills 21 is a program in Connecticut that has challenged students to innovate and be creative for years. Earlier this year, along with the rest of us, they had to change their program.

Today on The Best of Our Knowledge, we’ll how about this resource for students has adapted.

Skills 21 offers team driven, challenge based learning opportunities to students in school districts around the state of Connecticut.  Matt Mervis is the Director of the Skills 21 Program at Ed Advance, a regional education service center, which assists about 40 school districts and 1000 middle and high-school students in Connecticut. We spoke about the transition to distance learning due to COVID-19.

Do teachers who are hired during a recession turn out to be better teachers? That’s one of the findings in a new article in the journal Education Next titled How the Coronavirus Crisis May Improve Teacher Quality: Recession Hiring Boosts Teacher Quality and Student Learning. One of the authors of the article is Marty West, a Professor of Education at Harvard University and the editor in chief of Education Next. We asked Dr. West about the study.

The article is available on line now, and will appear in the fall 2020 print issue of Education Next.

This may come as a shock to you, but people have very different opinions about pandemic stay at home orders. That’s the topic of today’s Academic Minute.