51 Percent
51 Percent
#1778: Ange Matthews on Happy Investing | 51%

On this week’s 51%, we speak with investment strategist and coach Ange Matthews, founder of the crash-course “Happy Investor Method,” to learn how women can work toward financial independence while supporting the causes and companies they’re passionate about. A self-taught, first-generation investor who started when she was making just $40,000 a year, Matthews says she’s now a seven-figure investor – and she’s dead-set on helping other women explore Wall Street as well. We also learn about the life and legacy of the late philanthropist Joan K. Davidson, and how her work helped shape both New York City and New York’s Hudson Valley. 

Guest: Ange Matthews, investor and founder of the Happy Investor Method

51% is a national production of WAMC Northeast Public Radio in Albany, New York. Jesse King is the show’s producer and host. Our associate producer is Jody Cowan, and our theme is “Lolita” from the Albany-based artist Girl Blue.