Fifty One Percent
51 Percent
#1671: Human Trafficking And Unhoused Youth, Part Two| 51%

This week’s 51%, is the second part of a series on human trafficking and unhoused youth. We’ll speak with a young woman who became unhoused and sought help with a local housing program. And we’ll meet the executive director of that program.

Andy Gilpin is the executive director for CAPTAIN Community Human Services based in Saratoga County, New York.

Gilpin says reunification with the family is ideal.

About 85% of kids return home to their parent or guardian,” Gilpin said. “So it’s really family mediation, working through some of the issues, get supports in place, identify what were the issues that led to the housing crisis. For the remainder, it’s about trying to find what’s the next best situation for them, could be another family member could be foster care could be some other independent living situation, whatever it might be, depending on their age, you know, under circumstances, we can really try to identify what’s best for them, we’re their advocates to find out what’s best for them.”